

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a traditional, holistic healing modality, which originates in India, and can be traced all the way back to 6000 BC.
In Sanskrit (old Indo-Aryan language), Ayurveda translates to “The Science of Life“.

Balance between the body, mind and soul is the foundation of ayurvedic medicine.

According to ayurvedic philosophy, human body has innate capacity to heal itself.
We are able to unlock the healing abilities of our bodies through appropriate nutrition, positive thoughts, meditation, stress-free lifestyle and medicinal herbs.

Ayurveda is an ancient healing system of medicine from India. It provides knowledge regarding natural herbs so that all people can stay healthy and remain disease free. There are unique aspects to Ayurveda and its recommendations will be different for each person regarding food eaten regularly and lifestyle methods. Ayurveda validate everything by observation, direct examination and knowledge derived from the ancient medical textbooks. There are energetic forces that influence nature and human beings. These energies or forces are called the ‘Tridoshas’ viz. Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas. Ayurveda has always seen a strong connection between the mind and the body. Ayurveda can be defined as a system which helps to maintain health in a person by keeping the individual’s body, mind and spirit in a balanced equilibrium.

Ayurveda is made up of two Sanskrit words ‘ayus’ and ‘veda’. ‘Ayus’ literally means life and ‘Veda’ means knowledge. The term Ayurveda thus means ‘the knowledge of life’. It is also known as ‘the science of life‘. According to the ancient Ayurvedic textbook Charaka Samhita, ‘ayu’ comprises the mind, body, senses and the soul. Ayurveda is regarded as the oldest system of healthcare throughout the world. The fundamentals of Ayurveda can be found in Hindu scriptures i.e. the Vedas. The Rig Veda contains a series of prescriptions that can help humans overcome various health disorders. The aim of this natural healing system is to prevent illness, heal the sick and preserve overall healthy life.

Ayurveda is based on the principle that the universe is made up of five elements i.e. air, fire, water, and earth and ether. These elements are represented as three ‘doshas’. When any of the doshas get imbalanced, the body loses its balance and get diseased. Ayurveda recommends specific lifestyle and dietary guidelines to help persons reduce the excess dosha or getting it imbalanced. A healthy person is that person whose doshas are in balance, appetite is normal and all tissues of the body functioning properly. In other words, mind, body and spirit are said to always cheerful of a healthy person. Vata refers to air and ether elements. It is seen as the force which directs nerve impulses, circulation, respiration, and elimination. Kapha refers to water and earth elements. It is responsible for overall growth and protection. Examples of kapha are the stomach’s mucosal lining and the cerebral-spinal fluid that protects the brain and spinal cord. Pitta is for fire and water elements. This dosha is responsible for metabolism in the organs and various tissue systems in the body.

Ayurveda recommends ‘Panchakarma’, if toxins in the body are abundant. It is the natural cleansing process by which the unwanted toxins get eliminated from the body. Panchkarma is a fivefold purification therapy and the procedures consist of therapeutic vomiting or emesis i.e. Vaman, Purgation i.e. Virechan, Enema i.e. Basti, Elimination of toxins through the nose i.e. Nasya and Detoxification of the blood i.e. Rakta moksha. Ayurveda is a system of Indian medicine now practiced all over the world as a complementary system. Ayurvedic practitioners have identified a number of medicinal herbs for curing various ailments and diseases. Some of the diseases are not completely curable in other modern systems of medicine. Natural herbs and massage can be applied in conjugation with other conventional methods of treatment and without any side effects.

                               Ayurveda believes “Prevention is the best way than a cure”(approaches’ for a healing purpose).

Ayurveda’s Definition of Health
“sama dosha sama agnischa sama dhatu mala kriyaaha| Prasanna atma indriya manaha swastha iti abhidheeyate” || Sushruta Samhita



In Ayurveda, the most basic building blocks of the material world are the five elements: ether (space), air, fire, water, and earth.
Vata is characterized by the mobile nature of Wind (Air) energy.

Vata embodies the energy of movement and is therefore often associated with wind (and the air element). Vata is linked to creativity and flexibility; it governs all movement—the flow of the breath, the pulsation of the heart, all muscle contractions, tissue movements, cellular mobility—and communication throughout the mind and the nervous system. Whenever vata imbalanced is joint pain, stress, dry skin, intestine disease etc.


Pitta embodies the transformative nature of Fire energy.

Pitta represents the energy of transformation and is therefore closely aligned with the fire element. But in living organisms, pitta is largely liquid, which is why water is its secondary element. Pitta is neither mobile nor stable, but spreads—much as the warmth of a fire permeates its surroundings, or as water flows in the direction dictated by the terrain.

Pitta is closely related to intelligence, understanding, and the digestion of foods, thoughts, emotions, and experiences; it governs nutrition and metabolism, body temperature, and the light of understanding.


Kapha reflects the binding nature of Water energy.

Kapha lends structure, solidity, and cohesiveness to all things, and is therefore associated primarily with the earth and water elements. Kapha also embodies the watery energies of love and compassion. This dosha hydrates all cells and systems, lubricates the joints, moisturizes the skin, maintains immunity, and protects the tissues.

We life Ayurveda wellness center balance all imbalance dosha, by nadi pariksa, client history, constitution pariksa etc. also as Ayurved practitioner we balance all seven dhatu’s too, like Ras(plasma), Rakta(blood),Manse(muscle),Meda(fat), Asthi(bone), Majja(bone marrow),Sukra(sperm)

Three malas,Mala(Stool),Mutra(urine),Sweda(swetting) also we balanced three mala’s too.

Our Ayurveda holistic herbal medicine is great. Also our life Ayurveda logo says VPK vata pitta and kapha.

Meaning of life Ayurveda-life means life and ayu means life and veda means knowledge or science.so life Ayurveda means double life related science.

Pulse Diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha)


Nadi Pariksha is undertaken to understand the following aspects in an individual:

  • Helps to ascertain “One’s Original Constitution at the time of Conception” (Prakruti). This forms the basis of deciding the basis and structure of the individualized Healing process.
  • Helps to understand “One’s Current Constitution as against the Original Constitution” (Vikruti). The diagnosis ascertains the deviation that the body and mind have taken as compared to its original constitution. Also, it enables one to understand the prognosis of ailments that have arisen during this transition from Prakruti to Vikruti.
  • Nadi Pariksha successfully tracks down the altered state of the mind. This is very important as the science of Ayurveda believes that a major part of human ailments are psychosomatic in nature. This is so because the only way the Mind can express itself is through the body. Therefore, the body works to a very large extent according to the dictates of the mind.
  • The analysis at the Doshas, the subtle entities of the psycho – physiological body. Any alteration in the Doshas can lead to understanding of the disease process. The doshas like Vata, Pitta & Kapha and their sub units help in understanding:
    • The movement of energies and the working of the nervous system, circulation as defined by the pulsation of the heart, and the movement of nutrition to various tissues in the body.
    • The metabolic process and the process of bio-transformation in the body, which governs the activities of Digestion, Absorption & Assimilation of Nutrition.
    • The assimilating and binding functions through the help of bodily fluids, which includes the Proper and Healthy formation of Muscles, Bones, Ligaments and Tendons etc.
  • The study of the health of various types of tissues in the body like Plasma, Blood, Muscle, Marrow, Bone, Nerve and reproduction.
  • The health of the Chakras or the subtle energy wheels in the body that corresponds to the glands in the physical body is ascertained. Chakras relate to and control certain physiological processes in the body


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